If you’ve ever wanted to know the true origins of the comedy group ‘No Cause For A Llama’, or the real story of how the West was won by a Welshman, or the genesis of the world’s most famous boy band, or the unspeakable actual-ness concerning the dark side of chess? Then DON’T download ‘The Llamabury Tales’ ‘cause it’s a pack of lies!
Fans of Flight of the Conchords will love this.
If you loved The Llamabury Tales, which we know you did, why not download THE DONKEY HOTROD STORY?
Starring: Andrew Irvine, Phil Leamon, Nick von Schlippe, Gareth Davies
Edited By: Andrew Irvine
Directed By: Andrew Irvine
Music By: Andrew Irvine
Lyrics By: Andrew Irvine, Gareth Davies, Nick von Schlippe & Phil Leamon
Silly audio comedy exposing the dangers of post-apocalyptic world orders led by Dr Karl Kennedy from Neighbours and Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones....
Davis and McQuillan welcome you to the tale of Hoight Flagrin and Jack Else, two musical forces destined for great things. Just not necessarily...
The St Valentine's Day Murder explores the happenings at the 'Running out of Fish' Valentine's Day speed dating event. Events take an unromantic turn...